a Space to Hide

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Catch phrases/ pet phrases

Its been a superbly tiring past week . smack the idiot who once thought that 4 trainings a week will be shiok ( ok thats me and half the floorball team). As what my dear class secretary says on her msn nickname, " We all need [time]" . we really really do .

Amidst the busy week of juggling training, hw, tests and sleeping hours , out sprang out a few funny incidents in school . Really very timely cause it really helped to liven up the atmostphere. the first came from my class Chairman , Thomas , yeah the dude who got like 79/ 80 for maths. In a bid to show off his funny bone " Relay , class our treasury is running low and as the U.N is not willing to give us financial aid , please bring $10 tml for class fund ." . had quite a laugh at night when i recieved it. Lame but the effect is there .

The next one came during geog tutorial , which is always damn funny thanks to mr Chen . Those who didn't do their tut had to type it out . And poor jon , who so oftenly gets bullied kena from mr Chen la " jon u go home type this out in microsoft word , axial , font size 11, if got error don take out liquid paper and put on the computer screen lei , press backspace" wth man , that left the whole class laughing .

Then during the last training , wha everyone was having a field day shooting Di Qiang . Hey we are not mean man , but he just happens to put himself in a position where he is sure gonna get suaned . hey hey but that doesn't mean we don like him . haha . in fact we love him and know hi so well that we cam predict his every movement , response to ques etc etc .

Ask him a ques - But but but but ....... What if what if what if ????? ......
And i think he lives by some policy that he has to challenges everything u say . But his smart lei , he taught me and brown another word for combustion , but i forget liao.

so yep that wraps up the whole week . hope next week gets better . and hopefully someone or something will inspire me to write another entertaining post , if not its just gonna be another update of my life . ahha

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Eatism - is it for u ?

I was asked by my dear friend today about which religion i did follow . I didn't have one so we started talking about religion and stuff , then i came upon the thought of , what if i could create my own religion ?

Then i thought of Eatism :)

Eatism is the practice where one eats ; when he wants ; what he wants ; where he wants ; how he wants . Evolution of society has resulted in consumption procedure of food being so boring and predictable , so localised , so scheduled . A simple example , we mostly eat sharkfin when we are outside , we always add either pepper and vinegar , it has to be eaten at a restaurant or sorts and it has to be dinner. So boring right . With Eatism , u can eat anything , anytime , anyplace , anyway you like :D

There are a few simple rules to follow in Eatism. All the rules are in place to give maximum eating pleasure , yet simple and easy to remember.

Rule (1)

Never allow your social status to influence your choice of foods. Don't think whether others will look down on you because of ur food choice. It may be weird to them and they prolly find it the degrading to eat it. But as long as u like it , care not and just gulp it down and recommend it to your frens, chances are they might like it too :D

Rule (2)

Never allow what people say influence whether u are gonna eat something or not. Everyone has different taste and prefernce. As long as something does not suit your taste, regardless of any external forces stick to your decision of not eating it. Eg: if u know the steam cow cakes your friend is recommending you to it will eventually find its way back up and on to the floor, no matter what he says, don't eat it. Peer pressure will be the biggest reason to breaking this rule, but remember, you know ur taste buds better then your pal does.

Rule (3)

Go all out to get the food you want. Spare no expense or effort to get to any food you crave for. The reward of chowing down that tasty morsel well compensates the effort used to attain it , NO MATTER HOW BIG THE EFFORT IS . When u go through all the trouble to get the food you desire, the food will taste extra nice.

Rule (4)

Never eat food that taste bad . Eating spoilt food or food that taste bad will not onli make u unhealthy, it will affect your taste buds and in extreme cases numb them. Without your tastes buds functioning at their best, how are u gonna enjoy your food to the maximum? Take care of your buds, their the only ones you got.

Rule (5)

the last and final rule, which make be ignored if your metabolism allows it , eat in moderation. No matter how nice something is, don't eat 100 servings of it la . Eat so much sure become some fatty. serious !!! singaporeans are a prime example of this . Notice all the "chubby" primary school boys who weigh heavier then me on the streets, (nope its not that they all wanna grow up and be Santa Claus) they've just had 100 ham-burgers too many la. Eat so much of something nice and you will soon get sian of it too. You try eating 30 plates of sashimi at one go ( just because sakae offers buffet ) and your when your friend offers you a piece of ikan billis , i bao jia you will merlion.

* refer to post about orlando bloom for meaning of merlion.

Follow the above 5 rules and u are well on your way to attaining eating nirvada. Live by the motto " Wah e jia simi , jiu jia simi lor ", meaning " I will eat what i want to eat" . Just for the people who die die think a religion need a god to worship , i don have a god for u to pray too , but i do have a prime example of someone who has already enjoyed the benefits of practicing Eatism.

And yes he even named himself after his favourite food :D

Friday, May 02, 2008

compass lesson on sexuality education

Woots i am back , recently i am sure everyone in mjc year2 had a sex talk during compass la , which i think was absolutely redandunt . sure we may fall into the age groups where people tend " to make the biggest mistakes of our lives" but then again we already made the " biggest mistake of our lives" by chosing to go go jc right , instantly subscribing to 2 years worth of time magazine , 2 years of awfully hard test which are so damn hard to score , tonnes of tutorials , breakneck exams ....... and since we learnt in maths that (-ve) multiplied by (-ve) gives us a positive

shouldn't we just do the opposite of the compass lesson ? haha at least in terms of biology , u would have been successful cause u procreated and passed on ur jeans opps genes . ok enough rubbish back to my main topic

firstly right , the compass lesson talked about how we should maintain a healthy relationship , and since everyone has forgot what they were about here's a gentle reminder

guess what , if there have been relationship problems since the time of the t rex , i don think a simple 50 min compass lesson will salvage the situation , but we should still commend our teachers for trying their best right . maybe MOT should have used this pic for an example .

digressing from the sex talk we started a heated debate on issues all related to sex and relationships . firstly Mr tan said all guys want sex in a relationship, made us guys sound so horrible right , but its not our fault ma , its inbuild in us . i can prove it !!!!

look at that kid man , barely able to run properly and his already banging!!! wooo you go boy , trying to give his parents a grandchild for their birthday;) see gals its not our fault that certain guys just wanna have sex , we were , apparently , made this way :D

then we started talking about lesbians and gays . and i commented by saying society is not fair la , when we see lesbian making out , we don really get irk out by it but when we see certain race of construction workers groping each other's asses on the subway , everyone gets so hyped up and go " wha u know that day hor i saw ****** guy groping his fren's ass lei , so gay can " i admit its gross but must be fair ma , cha bo mo ka chang we see and enjoy , so ta po mo ka chang we also must try to and enjoy la , regardless of colour . if too dark cannot see ask them on light.

throughout the whole sex talk , confirm each class got some hormone crazed siao kia which will get damn high the moment ur teacher talks about sex . My class was no different la, innocent chubby was so high that day . everytime the teacher who ask us:

how should we behave in a relationship

sure answer :

he will surely contribute to our stagnating poplulation size when he grows up :D dunno why some people so high during the talk la . i on the other hand was like so bored , nope not because i am experienced but because my dear teacher kept looking at me when he was emphasizing certain points . for example

Guys don try and have sex with you gf ........

Don hanky panky cause it will lead to sex ...

without fail my teacher will surely look at me when saying such stuff . KNS condem me just because i have a gf . u think all couples do when they are together is attempt to have sex ah , really screwed logic la .ignored my teacher's constant attempts to put me down . i think the class could tell he was being a retard la . like that time in class , during bio lesson , when i was telling another teacher that singapore snowed b4 , he went " u must have told that story to impress someone right ;)"

what the hell la , which idiot will go up to a gal and say:

"hey babe did u yer know there was snow in singapore 5 years back "

at that instant i swore singapore almost snowed again. back to the topic , yep the sex talk was full of fun and laughter and kept emphasising the point that we shouldn;t have sex . so well now we know why singapore has a declining population , all because of compass lessons like these :D