Monday, October 09, 2006

utter disappointment

thks to all my frens out there who kept "everything" i really appreciate it to the core . i have seen the " greatness of what friends can do " . they try to hide the painful things from you , trying to share the pain . but when i come to know about it by my on way , guess who is hurting more now .

and please don tell mi things like " chill " "its ok de la , u will forget her " cause seriously , they are of no help to mi . think before u say anything . cause i am starting to lose faith it " friendship"
. all promises , nothing done . and whats done cannot be reversed .

suo wei bing dong san chi , fei yi re zhi han . mark my words my friend , what i am saying now is now a sudden burst of feelings . its a realise of emotions , sparked of by the guitar<3>

when was just a little boy , my mum told mi , when u fall , there will always be people to pick u up . when the time comes , and they fall , lift them up to embrace hope once again . so far in my entire life , i have rendered aid to those who need it , help them to their feet . hardly , these actions are reciprocated . u may then ask mi , quoted from a guy " u also never tell us what " who will go and tell his weaknesses to anyone . who tell mi . use your eyes and hearts . my msn nick mean things , my blog tells u things . my facial mood and actions are the best evidence . no clown is ever happy . i may joke laugh tease , but what may seem to be , is not . use this line my frens . my third time saying this . yet no difference .

lastly , when ur help is given , trust mi , the thought may be dere , but ur timing is not . most of the time , by the time u realise i am troubled , i would have solved it anyways .

to conclude , don expect me to lend a listening ear or shoulder when u need help , i may or may not help . but when i do , u best well cherish it .

i am

no more ...


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