Tuesday, March 07, 2006

"breath" of life

Amidst the waves of people walkiing back and forth on the crowded streets , i sat by the window , sipping my tea . Thoughts and memories flushed into my head . Those awful memories ...........

That day , while i was walking along the busy streets , i was recieved a sign , a siganl telling me something bad was about to befall me . In a blink of an eye , it rendered mi hopeless and lost . Suddenly my handphone rang . My suspicions were comfirm .

My heart and footsteps were dancing to the same rythm as i quickened my pace . Out of thin air , i vaguely saw a man in a black coat following me . His face was unclear , his presence intrigued me , but i could't care less . I was close to jogging now . Fear gripping my heart triggered streams of tears down my pale porcelin face .

I broke into a run . Sweat overan my shirt . I suddenly realised the importance and value of time . Time lost can never be recovered . My body starting feeling strained as the air around became stagnent . The black coat man had company now .

I ran straight to the hospital without pause . i stopped to catch my breathe , it seemed lost then . I knew i still had time . She was still undergoing surgery . i sat on the chair , hands held tightly together , waiting patiently and quietly . Praying-hoping that my daughter would be fine .

Finally the doctor came out , speaking in a warm and sympathetic tone , trying to reassure me I would have none of that gibberish . I shoved the doctor aside and tore into the operating theatre . I wanted to hear her voice , nothing more , nothing less .
The doors creaked as i passed them by . There on the bed , i saw what ever that was left of my daughter on the bed . She was weak and fragile , like the day i gave brith to her . the whiteness of the walls . bedsheets and blankets , highlighted the palor of her face . She cried for me . Her voice strained and cracked by the illness . Was standing by and watching my daughter die the single thing i could do ? Was there nothing i could do to ease the pain of my darling . How much i wished that all the pain and suffering she had endured , could be directed to me , let me be the scape goat i exclaimed .

I instinctively started humming her favourite tune . I sat by her , never wanting to leave her again . My tearful eyes bestowing her distorted face .

"Why must this malady befall this seven year old ? A seven year old with a future brimming with promise , now snatched aways by the evils of her ailments ." i cried out in angony . I closed my swollen eyes , trying to reminisce the times she had fun , drawing , playing ..........

I was so vurnerable . Her hands were ice cold , her life dangling on a fragile line . I held on tightly to her hands , fearing that she would desert me if i let go .

When i opened my eyes , i saw her, hand-in-hand with the black coat men , drifting away , carried by the gentle breeze . She had left all her worldly pain and suffering behind .

I gazed at the window . awaiting her return , but that was the last i saw of her .

I blame these small hands , for not holding her tight enough , permiting her to slip away from me once more .........

Done by : Alina Low Yue Wen

Translated by : Glendon


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